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Design-build: Brazil on the opposite direction of history?

Portuguese (Brazil) English Italian

The Revista Digital de Direito Administrativo at the University of São Paulo (USP) published a paper of my own which analyzes the execution of engineer works and services by contracts of design-build system. The paper also investigate the main features of the institute and reveal serious problems which can happen by this practice, especially regarding the restrictions entered into a contract and by the undue use of the risk allocation matrix. Besides that, it is a case study in the light of European Law (especially Italian, French and Portuguese Law) and American Law, revealing the main differences between integrated contracts in those countries and Brazilian Law.

The paper is available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/rdda/article/view/121448

Differential Public Procurement. Public works contracts. Design-build. Risks allocation matrix. Economic-financial balance.
